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- Thời gian đăng 20/11/2016 12:26
At Thao Nguyen Resort, the chef and our bartender will satisfy you with a lot of choices from the Vietnam traditional dishes to international cuisine . You will not be able to resist the appeal of premium delicacies set in a romantic setting very peaceful. In particular, all the dishes are prairie Resort adviser and directed by Alain Nguyen - a famous chef and has experience in the Vietnam cuisine as well as international; be sure to please any guests whether most discerning public.
Thao Nguyen Resort owns several restaurants, bars wherein, each bears the specific characteristics of his style as well as strong private service. Therefore, you will have many opportunities to experience when going to the prairie Resort.

Come to prairie restaurant, diners will have the opportunity to taste all the culinary essence of Vietnam and make sure that is an unforgettable experience. Moreover, the location is right next to the high mountains, bamboo fence and decorative lanterns, we create a unique space that brings you the exciting experience when dining here. You can just enjoy the pure food Vietnam has been enjoying the space of rustic European mountains ....